As of mid September 2019, we are proud to host at iCoSys several new student projects that will be realised in our labs

Master level

  • DeepFashion – AI based services for the fashion industry
  • Chatbot Awakening – Deep retrieval chatbots for the press industry
  • Tutory – AI boosted e-learning platform
  • ASHEP – Adaptive scheduling of HEP applications on heterogeneous resources (Berkeley)

Bachelor Level

  • Colorizer – Deep Learning for automatic coloration of images
  • MicroPara – Micro service for paraphrasing
  • ML4FRI – Machine Learning to predict warm areas in the city of Fribourg
  • REWI – Rule Engine web-interface for smart reactor
  • Improving DAN analysis tools (with UniFr)
  • Rapid annotation of data for machine learning (with UniFr)

Next call for student projects: January 2020

19 settembre 2019