European Radon Week 2021
13 – 15 ottobre 2021
General information
The European Radon Week 2021 will be held in Fribourg, Switzerland, between the 11th and 15th of October 2021, on the blueFACTORY site. This week will gather European Radon experts in one place, thereby catalyzing knowledge transfer between participants.
Five different events will be held during this week:
- Training course: Building protection against radon risk (Postponed in 2022)
- EU-RAP first regional workshop (on-line and registration is mandatory)
- ERA Workshop: International Collaborations on Radon
- ERA General Assembly
- ROOMS 2021
Training course (postponed in 2022): Building protection against radon risk, corrective and preventive actions.
This training course is aiming to provide practical solutions for professionals on building protection against radon risk: master principles of investigation, identify causes of radon entry and approaches on building protection for existing and new buildings, knowledge on different protection techniques and material to be used.
Tuesday afternoon (12th of October 2021) (ONLINE AND REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY)
EU-RAP first regional workshop
This workshop is restricted to national authorities responsible for radon action plans from Belgium, Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Members of ERA management board and Swiss authorities are invited as observers.
Registration: here
Wednesday (13th of October 2021)
- Fee: Free for ERA members, 65 CHF (50 €) for others.
ERA General Assembly (5.15pm – 6pm):
- Fee: Free and only for ERA members.
This will be followed by the ERA Cocktail. If you are to be accompanied by your companion, he/she is welcome to participate, too.
Thursday and Friday (14th-15th of October 2021)
ROOMS 2021: ROOMS (Radon Outcomes On Mitigation Solution) is a unique event for the radon community within Europe and beyond. It is an annual meeting that aims to promote exchanges between countries and experts on radon preventive and corrective measures in new and existing buildings.
Main themes: Management of radon risk in buildings: processes, methods and techniques implemented and results.
- Fee: 150 CHF (130 €). The fee includes lunch
You are invited to submit your abstract during the registration process. Extended deadline for abstract submission is by end of September 2021.
On Thursday evening, a gala dinner will be organized for the ROOMS participants. If you are to be accompanied by your companion, he/she is welcome to participate, too. The price for one companion is 55 CHF (50 €).
The ROOMS workshop will end at noon on Friday. A lunch will follow the workshop conclusion.
Registration for one or several of these events.
Note: Your registration will be completed after the payment.
Exhibition stands
Exhibition stands will be available and free of charge from Wednesday till Friday (13-15.10.21) for ERA registered companies. Applications for company membership can be submitted at this link: ERA registration page.
We will provide for the exhibition stand one table, one or two chairs and if needed an exhibition board on demand. Then you can of course bring your own expo roll-up. If needed we can also provide you WLAN connection as well as access to the power grid.
You can book your accommodation at Hotel de La Rose, by contacting them directly and specifying the code « ERW21 ROSE » in your reservation mail. This offer expires the 25th of September 2021
Please contact Joan Rey at
The European Radon Week 2021 will be held in in-person in Fribourg, Switzerland, in early October 2021. It will not be possible to join remotely this conference. There will be an exception if a speaker is unable to hold in-person his/her presentation.
Switzerland and Federal Office of Public Health formulate rules to enter Switzerland. These rules are available on the FOPH website. These rules might be different from week to week, so be sure to be updated before coming to Switzerland.
Everything will be put in place to comply with sanitary recommendations given by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
If you have any questions, please contact: