- Bilingualism : /en/education/bilingualism/
- Inscription : /en/education/inscription/
- Future students : /en/education/future-students/
- Academic calendar : /en/education/academic-calendar/
- Bachelor : /en/education/bachelor/
- Master : /en/education/master/
- Technical School of Construction : /en/education/technical-school-of-construction/
- Apprenticeships and internships : /en/education/apprenticeships-and-internships/
- Basic disciplines : /en/education/basic-disciplines/
- Student projects : /en/education/student-projects/
- Bilingualism : /en/education/bilingualism/
- Inscription : /en/education/inscription/
- Future students : /en/education/future-students/
- Academic calendar : /en/education/academic-calendar/
- Bachelor : /en/education/bachelor/
- Master : /en/education/master/
- Technical School of Construction : /en/education/technical-school-of-construction/
- Apprenticeships and internships : /en/education/apprenticeships-and-internships/
- Basic disciplines : /en/education/basic-disciplines/
- Student projects : /en/education/student-projects/
Le Master HES-SO
Le Master HES-SO s'inscrit dans le prolongement du Bachelor.
Les études de Master comprennent des cours théoriques et des activités de projets, menées dans le cadre de groupes de recherche appliquée.
En partenariat avec la HES-SO, la HEIA-FR propose quatre formations de niveau Master :